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If you are looking to on-board your design team to our community, or speak regarding Design Team Training, please feel free to schedule time with us directly.

Frequently Asked Questions —

Some answers to commonly asked question.

About Us
Do we accept requests to be interviewed?

We sure do! We love to get requests, but traditionally prefer referrals from within our Network.

What happened to the Slack community?

We decided to close it. It was yet another channel for us to manage. We wanted to streamline our channels, and now focus our attention mainly on our Newsletter as the best way to stay up to date.

I'm having technical difficulty with my podcast app

We are sorry that you have issues with your podcast app, but we are unable to offer technical support for specific apps. We recommend you contact the app creators.

Are we still running Community events?

You bet we do! We run everything inside our paid community. The perfect solution for connecting and learning!

My interview is going to be recorded online, what do I need to record online?

All guests are invited directly to our online recording studio. If they have any questions about anything, they can contact us directly.